Therapy Program in Dallas
Chatterbox Therapy Center finds the positive in all that each child does, and finds the opportunity for communication, provides higher expectations, and knows that feeling safe is the most comforting space to be.
Chatterbox Therapy Center has the programs you've been searching for in a full-time school option, or camp opportunities. Our children are thriving in communication, expectations and skills. And we can't wait to see what your child does to gain the skills you are seeking for them.
Complete an initial phone call with a staff member to determine what you are interested in and what could be the best fit for your child.
Chatter Academy requires an evaluation (which is eligible to be billed through insurance) to participate to make sure that each child has a completed profile before beginning the programs.
If determined to be a potential fit, we do complete a week trial period that is non-refundable, but does go towards tuition if enrollment is accepted.
The Therapy School Program is based year round with the year starting in August and ending in July.
Classes are Monday-Friday and are from 8:30 am-3:00 pm